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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of Another Year (68th ending for me!)

Our old electric fireplace wouldn't heat anymore, so we replaced it with a new one...making our family room, which is generally really cold, comfy and cozy.
Then we carried the old one up to the living room where it will lend a faux feel of warmth.

 I found some old log cabin squares I'd made a long time ago, put them together for a kitchen table runner for Christmas.
 We lit up our antique Christmas decorations,
 featured them below the newly completed wall hanging
 got another newly completed project onto the guest room bed
and Lar sat down to enjoy the ambiance in the living room.

 Kept putting off my baking - with exception of fruit cake, so just a couple of days before Christmas got some chocolate cookies and Welsh cakes made.  Our neighbors always enjoy the Welsh cakes.
 Christmas Day found us at oldest son's house - his wife courageously prepares dinner for us all - and it is always deeply appreciated!  Here Madelyn is exploring her new baby - "eyes".
 Julia and Madelyn posing for a beautiful picture.
 Our gift to Larry 4 - sweatshirt from his Pop Pop's alma mater seems to have gone over well!
 Isn't Larry and Colleen's tree gorgeous?  And it looks like Amy was taking a picture of it too!
 Delicious Christmas dinner.  Thanks Colleen and Larry!
 One of our gifts to Julia - creating a warm, comfy fleece throw for herself...she did a great job!
 She shared some of the warmth with her Pop Pop!
 And then, lo and behold, when we got to Virginia, Granddaughter Jessica had made a cover and pillow for Pop Pop so he has his own.
 She gave me a Nova sweatshirt (her swim team) so we would match nicely.

 It was a peaceful, relaxing visit - people taking time to sit and hug....
 to doze
and to learn to make a quilt.

Look at the precision of those matching seams!  I was very impressed by her first effort....even better than I sometimes do.  She made one square while we were there - and went on to make another while we were traveling home the next day.  I have to get to the store to buy some more fabric so she can continue.
Next time we are together - quilting!
It was a great Christmas - and I hope it was for you too.

 Our family tree (lots of ornaments with nostalgic history) and tons of lights!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas is..........

Seeing my husband's eyes tear up a bit as he peruses the photo book I had made for him, "The Story of Larry...so far" and knowing how much he cherishes family.
Talking to my sister who shared with me that her way of celebrating this year was to buy complete Christmas meals for two families in the area suffering from hard times.  Hearing the joy in her voice as she described this abundance she was able to share.
Getting a call from my youngest brother, and feeling his love across the miles.  Knowing he has his wife's family with whom to share what could have been a very lonely Christmas.
Speaking with my other brother whose voice is full of the happiness of a recent trip with the lady in his life.  Knowing that he is experiencing fun and excitement in his life again.
Getting a call from our oldest granddaughter who is bubbling with glee and who asks "what did YOU get for Christmas?"  And who reacts happily to each and every thing we tell her.
Knowing that soon we will be assembling at our oldest son's house, where his wife will have lovingly prepared a family meal....where we will be, as it should be, a family gathered at table in love and with Christ in mind.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Count Down

Time once again for getting ready....Pop Pop needs all the help he can get to get Santa's Village ready.  Here he poses with his special helpers.

meanwhile, I finally got a little wall quilt done which had been started back about 1990....
 hung the Christmas door decoration I made with my quilt guild probably at least 18 or 20 years ago.
 and we are just about done decorating outside:

19 and counting

Christmas is a'coming as they say.  We seem to be moving along in that direction - no shopping done, but a bit of decorating.
First, I want to share the traces left behind by some of our darling grandchildren after a couple of hours in the office during Thanksgiving.  I'd just gone up to enjoy the beautiful sunset when I noticed

some colorful sticky notes attached to our desk over the keyboard.

It warms my heart to know that these cousins have developed a close bond - in no small part a result of their parents' support and encouragement.
While Thanksgiving is always festive and enjoyable - something about the next day tickles my fancy best - generally our whole family gets together that day to "get rid of the leftovers" and I guess some of why I love it so is the fact that the food is all made and just needs the oven or microwave for some warming.  Pat and Amy, Ian and Madelyn hadn't made it for the actual day, but Friday we were all together - and the leftovers did, indeed, get eaten.
There were more cousin activities - such as "little teacher" Julia who read to her little cousin Ian (Jessica too!  :)  )

 There was time for giggles and fun.

a little music
and lots and lots of

 Hugs and kisses!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful in New Jersey

Family Time - thankful time


Turkey and All the Trimmings

Passing - to the left?  to the right?

Musical medly

Let the Laughter begin!

Playing out the day.
Hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as we did at our house!