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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Friday, September 28, 2012

When Do You Love Me

If you would be so kind as to click the little girl's picture on the right, you will see a presentation by a friend who has written a book called "When Do You Love Me" - an important book for children.  Elaine is looking for enough supporters - and contributions - in any amount - to allow her to publish her project.  Take a look, won't you?  thanks!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Don't Catch This Falling Star!

On Saturday of this week, I participated in a workshop with my quilters' guild for "Home of the Brave."  This project, taking place in every state across the nation, is making quilts for the families of those lost in the war.  It's a noble cause and one I enjoyed being part of.
During the workshop I used my 1930's Singer Featherweight machine.  I haven't used it in several years.  Got it out of the case, plugged it in and off we went together, whipping up seams like nobody's business.  Even stitches, just humming along.
Yesterday I sat down to work at home on a project I am making as a surprise for hubby, for Christmas.  My White Quilter's Star - about 4 years old - and used fairly frequently - said "No."
I said, in a fairly loud tone, "GRRRR ARRRRGHHHH!"

One of the pretty habitual quirks this machine has is to absolutely eat, I mean bite big chunks, out of fabric.  And the more expensive the fabric, the bigger the chunks!
Sometimes it wishes simply to have its bobbin taken out and put back in.  Sometimes it doesn't like its needle and wants a new one.  Sometimes it isn't clear at all about what it wants or what it is mad about, it just says "no" and there's no arguing about it.
I went back to my sewing room today, full of resolve and ready to work out our differences.  I replaced the needle, reloaded the bobbin, cleaned out the bobbin area, and made nice.  We sewed about 8 or 10 pieces together and then - no more.  I left the room -  without growling - without any expletives - I simply slumped away.  Beaten.  
On a whim, I typed into my search engine "I hate my sewing machine."
I'm not alone. 
That doesn't help.  But I'm not alone.
Gotta ask yourself tho.  If they could make a fabulous machine about 90 years ago....and they still simply need to have a needle that carries a thread and go up and down - why can't they do it any more?
If you happen to go by my house some day and see a "falling star" flying by - don't be surprised if it's my sewing machine.
I kinda hate it!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Table runner from Maine

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Quilt Extravanganza XIX

Yesterday I had the tremendous pleasure of attending the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza XIX along with a few other Love Apple Quilters click here members on a bus trip with the Cinnaminson Quilters.  We departed Cinnaminson NJ at 9 AM sharp and after the hour long trip had 5 hours to peruse tons of vendors (I have a list for Christmas and Birthday ! ha ha!) and enjoy and perhaps envy the many quilt entries.  I noted far fewer "traditional" quilts and many more "artsy" ones.  I will post the pictures I took, and would love to name the creators - tho' I am not able to do so - took the pictures with my phone and didn't have the memory to take the ID's as well.  Please be assured I show the pictures purely to show my admiration and do not mean to take any of the credit for these lovely creations.  If a reader can provide info - please do so in the comments and I will happily edit my entry.  thanks - hope you enjoy!

 This, if memory serves, is called God's Greatest Gift to Me Was Dad by Cindy Garcia.

Aren't they gorgeous?  My regret is that I didn't take my camera - tho' I didn't want to lug it around and that I didn't take more careful notes on the quilts I especially loved.
Anyway - spent more than usual - have some quiltin' to do - and some lovely memories of time spent with friends and some fabulous quilts.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Keepin' Sew Busy!

Among other things, this has been a SEW busy summer!  I am still having trouble actually believing that I am able to simply start - do - and complete projects whenever I wish.  There are not very frequent demands upon my time - the occasional doctor visit - getting to the gym - but a great deal of the day I can do what I like.  Wow! What a concept!

Anyway - having had the opportunity to rejoin our local quilt guild - Love Apple Quilters - I am able, too, to once again participate in Charity Quilts - something that was always dear to my heart and this Tuesday I'll be turning in 3 sets of 10 each of Happy Blocks some of which are seen above - these will make 3 "happy" quilts for someone in need.
I was happy to also get the chance to learn to make "10 minute blocks" in a pack - by adding some of my own fabric I ended up with 16 of these blocks - one of which I experimented with - and was thrilled with the outcome.  By making a contribution of my time and thread (and a little fabric) I learned a new technique and am sure I'll do more of this in the future.

I don't think you are able to see that the center diamond in these blocks is dimensional - almost separate from the square - it can be stitched down, or rolled like a cathedral window - I didn't do either - I like the way they are - but may be asked to take them back and sew them - hope not!  The last picture is my experiment - I love it!  It has such dimension.
 Been hand quilting a quilt top my Aunt Martha had appliqued - very nearly done with it!
Working on a baby quilt for a neighbor.
And attempting to keep up with the on-line block of the month through Craftsy.com.  I've just completed August - and haven't even opened September as yet!

So, that's where I've been - and what I've been doing...how about you?