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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Julia is 11

Granddaughter Julia is 11.  Can't believe it! 
She is crazy for dogs and loves purple.
My mom, for whom Julia was named really, really hated purple.  Funny, I think...since I love purple too.
Anyway, got the inspiration to make a little birthday wall hanging for her room, and since I've been under the weather again, just spent a day figuring it out, making and finishing it.  She loved it.

This summer I've been making a ton of gifts  - mostly wall hangings, and since they are gifts, gifts that are to be surprises, I can't post them until they have been received!  Have also been completing things.....Lar's canning jar quilt is done and hanging, Julia's portrait is more than 1/2 done quilting, my Christmas tree top is almost done....moving right along....I like that!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Summer Week We All Wait For

It is so difficult living such a distance from our oldest Granddaughter, and we all miss her so much.  That's why the one week a summer that we've had her stay with us is so anticipated by the whole family.  She is a delightful girl, and we were really happy this year, her 17th, to discover she still wanted to come.

She and her cousin Julia met at our house a couple of nights to do crafts - cardmaking and Christmas ornament creating.

Her aunts and uncles and all her cousins spent the day here and at the pool to be with Jessica, and I will never forgive myself for missing the opportunity to get a good photo of the five of them together!  Don't know where my head was.

One day while Jessica was with her aunt and cousin for the day having water fun, I embroidered them BFF tee shirts.  Don't they look cute?

She says she'll be back next year - we are counting the days!

Super and Scrappy!

Got a few shots of the "Super Moon" - it was eerie even though we didn't get very good shots. 


 and not eerie at all was a visit from my sister with her newest quilt - she calls it "Scrappy."  Can't wait to see it quilted!


Runnin' Fast As I Can....Can't Catch UP!

Oldest Grandson reminded us that he still hadn't gotten to Lancaster PA, and having heard us talk about it, and describe trips on which we have taken others, he felt it was time.  We agreed!
 Of course, he had to survive fabric shopping - tho' I curbed that enthusiasm, so it wasn't too demanding.  We dragged him through Good's Store - just to experience the wide range of goods available....we had lunch at Shady Maple Market, and then on to a buggy ride....

a photo op that was bound to be popular with his friends...

and dinner at the famous Shady Maple Smorgasbord....it was prime rib night!  He didn't quite keep up with his Pop Pop - but he enjoyed, I think....and went back for more a couple of times.
I hope he got to appreciate the beauty of the area...the hardworking lifestyle of the people living there....I know we enjoyed showing it to him.  What could be better than sharing what you love with those you love?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

So....I've Been Sewing!

There was a time when I used to sew clothing...for our kids, for myself.  Haven't done much of that in years.  But recently got the bug, so during one trip to JoAnn Fabrics found this (imho) gorgeous fabric called Greek Isles and had to have it!  After all, one of these days I will, indeed, be visiting the Greek Isles!
Once I'd made the skirt, I thought I'd need some shirts to go with.
First thing I did was alter a tee shirt I'd bought in Arizona...mainly to see how the alteration would go...I was using an old shirt I got from when our middle son was in school in AZ and which I've worn to pieces for the pattern.
Didn't realize how well it went with the Greek Isles skirt!
I was really pleased with the results, so got a new black tee to alter too.
I'd seen these shows where folks slash the shirts and add other fabrics, so tried that first.

That was really bad!  Old Miss America!  Yikes.
Soo added some more....

And still, too much!  So sewed the removed piece of tee back on, and cut into it, an I am happy with the result! 

Then  I decided to try my hand at a blouse.  This was a super easy pattern that I've owned for about 25 or 30 years...I like it!  These were all fun, easy projects, and left me willing to try some more. 

Z is for Zoe

Last haircut, Amy, the stylist who cuts hubby's hair, our son's hair, our grandson's hair, and my own described the colors she was choosing for her new baby's room.  Purple and grey, she described, and when she mentioned a chevron pattern, I was hooked!  Haven't made one of these quilts yet, so decided this was the perfect opportunity and excuse.