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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Sunday, March 15, 2009


We had the baby stay over night last night. He is 16 months old now, and knows enough to be angry when he isn't where he wants to be, nor with someone he chooses. We felt badly when he became so upset for a while, but then he settled in, ate a hearty dinner and cuddled.

And then I knew contentment! It is too infrequent anymore that I have that feeling of absolute fulfillment. When a little one fits so perfectly in my arms, when his little head rests on my chest, one little arm weaves around behind me, the other is flung randomly across my shoulder, and gentle sighs are breathed and the sweet smell of a baby's head is the perfect scent, made only in the finest labs of heaven.

We cuddled like that until he was soundly asleep and it finally made sense to take him up to his pack and play. But I put it off as long as I could, knowing it will be too long until I have this joy again. And when he was, at last, tucked in, gently sleeping, accompanied by his "glow worm" for company, and under a handmade quilt, made for his daddy by my sister-in-law many years ago, I could barely tear myself from the room.

In the morning I leapt from our bed at the first awakening sounds, and if I wasn't the exact person he was hoping to see, he was absolutely the precious one I was seeking. I swooped him up and even the soaking pjs did not delay my hug that I hope he will remember....full of my love, that I hope he will remember too.

How much I love our grandchildren! They are such special gifts from our Father, and I pray to Him to bless them, and I thank Him every day for them.

Jessica. Larry 4. Julia. Ian. You are so special. God bless you!

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