There never seems to be enough time
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with
If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered
by you
But there never seems to be enough time
(Jim Croce)
Boy, that's the truth!
I guess we all have that problem....too little time, too many things we want/need/wish/must do. But I do believe (because I've been told ! ) that I exacerbate that problem by having so many interests, so many things still on my "bucket list".
I sent an e-mail to a friend telling her that we have joined a gym finally, that I am in the process of taking T'ai Chi for 8 weeks, that I am planning on signing up for piano lessons, and she wrote back, "have you actually retired and didn't tell me? How else are you fitting it all in?"
Ha! Nope, haven't retired, tho' sitting at that desk all day - sometimes with little to do but be there for the phone, etc., I do resent not being able to get to all the things I want to do before I'm done. Then again, if I weren't sitting at that desk, I might not be able to afford those things. So there you are, on the horns of a dilemma again.
Yesterday at lunch I went to the Christmas Tree Shop and found an amazing book on sold for- and is worth - $23.00 but I got it for $2.99. And it has me so inspired to get some truly wonderful pages done using many of my mother's memorabilia. Things I wasn't sure what to do is just a wonderfully inspirational full of other peoples' great, great ideas. So I want to be scrapping. For days.
Last night we went to the gym for the first time. DH saw the Dr. I am never good at starting out in new places....and this place is so big it overwhelmed me...which I expected. I finally found a bike, adjusted the seat, got on, plugged in my head set and found you couldn't change the was a definite "guys" machine...set to some red necks racing something and talking and spitting guy stuff....I stuck it out for almost 15 said I had burned 75 calories, tho' I think some of that was because I was irritated!
Went to find DH and got him situated on a better bike and I went to shower and swim. I felt more in my element there, and it felt so good in the warm water.
So today I will resent my desk because I want to be at the gym!
Lesson: Be in the moment. I know is a discipline with which I have so much trouble. My brain and interests are like hummingbirds. I flit from one thing to the other....and day dream about a third thing! Be in the moment. Feel this exact moment. Know that this exact moment is where God put you for His/Her very own good reason. And He/She will get you to the next, and the next and the next. And I can only hope He/She gives me enough time to get to them all! There is so much laid out before me.
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