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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Borrowed Question......

clicking blogs this morning with breakfast coffee I found a question on someones blog that resonated with me .....
are you really "tired" or just "tired-of"?
see http://www.wellbeinginstyle.com/

That is so true for me. People often comment about and to me at work, "what, are you cold?" And I realize I've shrunk down into a sweater or jacket, wrapping my arms about myself, almost shivering. I'm cold, I think, and I'm tired!
But then I get a call to go downstairs to meet someone, or I'm asked to go to another part of the building to do an errand, and within seconds the chill is gone and the tiredness has lifted.
Lunch time comes and I don't feel the energy to leave the office. I gather things up, kind of drag myself to the car, and the sun, the air hit me and I want to run! My heart fills with the appreciation of the day, I breathe deeply, and the tired shell around me cracks and falls away.
So I think that it is a concept - this tiredness. After all, I am not a farmer's wife...I've not plowed and seeded and fed the chickens and milked the cows before dawn. I've showered, dressed, and driven in to sit behind a desk.
I am not "tired"!
I am tired-of.....tired of routine, of walking (driving) away for my home wherein lie so many things I love, - my books, my quilts, my scrapping, my husband (tho' he has left too for his desk), even my cleaning which I've always loved doing.
I'll need to work on this perception. I'll need to stop saying the word "tired" and say, instead, "getting an opportunity to experience new things."
That might help.

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