Truth is, I am deeply grieving for my dear friend.
But this morning I realize that I am grieving with joy.Without the blessing of knowing this special, loving, charitable, Christian Lady, I would not have the sense of loss in my heart.
And so I thank God with all my being for the gift of her friendship.
And without the unwavering steadfastness of my husband’s friendship and love, I could not have dealt with the loss of my friend.
Without the compassion and love of my children, I would have found Monday, the funeral, overwhelming.
These past weeks have held the most profound lessons life can teach. It was all there.
The sadness I felt as my friend suffered from cancer and from the only ways the medical field has at present to fight it.
The happiness when she sent a card, when she e-mailed me. The helplessness when I could not go to see her.
The shock and the first silent scream in my heart and mind when I received the call she was gone.
The sorrow I felt for her husband of almost 60 years….the knowledge that half of him was left to deal with it all. The other half having gone on to a better place.
The strength I pulled from the love of my family, and from the ever present Fathering/Mothering Presence of God.
The kindness shown by friends.
The gentle gestures by my children.
Could I be more blessed? I think not.
Thank God.
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