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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Saturday, March 13, 2010


How I adore the way people and events touch me. Of course, there are the times when that touching brings pain and sadness. Those times are enriching as well....we are a sum total of touching, I think. Touching is the way life communicates with us - we come to the table untouched except by the angels. We come as white paper....and then Life begins to scribe...and once writ - moves on - and we are each, then, a story unto ourselves. And I fill up sometimes with the joy of it.

I'll tell you an example of the times that fill me that way.

Sitting in the Dr's office I am reading. I am reading a book that here and there could have been written by me....descriptions of childhood. Deeply engrossed I am doing some nervous thing with the tag I am using as a bookmark.

A heavy, COPD-like breathing, gasping African American lady comes in and sits one seat away. My consciousness becomes aware of her and I feel drawn to her. I feel kindness emanating from her.

She asks, "that thing you are doing....." "what are you doing?"

We smile. I explain that the tag has a sticky holographic foil part, and I've just been pulling it apart and sticking it back unmindfully....we both chuckle...and we have connected.

We sit companionably and I am called in to see the Dr.

I come out and she is still there, arranging her things. She stands to depart, but first she stops, she turns and she says, "God Bless You." And I think God hears her. I feel blessed.

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