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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Monkeys and Wrenches and Things That Go Bump in the Night

Life is nothing if it is not interesting.
It's what caused the original thought that Life is a Classroom, I'm quite sure.
Some think - tho' how they can retain the thought - that Life is a straight road...cradle to grave.
But my observation leads me to believe that Life is actually a sightseeing tour. It doesn't go straight anywhere except, perhaps when it is during the last couple of weeks of school, in a hot, airless classroom in the subject you like least. That's a straight road, as I recall...straight, boring, nightmarishly mundane and mind numbing.
The rest of it is up steep mountains, on the edge of a cliff with no barriers, then down pits sometimes with no brakes. It goes through places of beauty that take your breath away. It continues into the darkest night, no lights, no guides that you can see...only taken on Faith.
And Change. Oh my, there are changes, sudden S-curves with no idea what lies ahead and no idea what might be coming at you from the other side.
I think the only constant is the assurance of the Love of God. He stays right there, in the seat beside you, He has the map, He has the charge card for more "gas", He's been there before and whispers encouragement and direction.
You can just hold on to the wheel, keep an eye focused upon the point of light ahead, even if you have to pretend to see it, one step, one inch, one mile at a time
and the next thing you know,
you've lived a life!
We are in a state of changes now, we are both in some upheaval, and it is weighing heavy on our hearts. He is about to retire. I am about to be married to someone retired. My place of work is something like a smelting furnace right now. Souls and minds and hearts are being tried. I am mostly a silent observer, but the sparks and danger threaten me, so I walk carefully, love as best I can and come home spent.
Thank you God, for Your place in the seat next to me. I'll always try to feel your arm, thrown, like a mother's, across me when the big turns, stops and starts occur. And know that I am loved, and I am Living Life.

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