It was Christmas 1966 or 67 when I decided to give in and buy an artificial Christmas tree. I'd had pneumonia most Christmases of my life, and it had been suggested to me that a live tree might be a culprit. I'd just had my first baby. I didn't want to take a chance on either my getting pneumonia again, nor did I want to make him sick.
We had that tree for thirty years until we moved. It had been a good old tree. We had made many memories around it for many Christmases. But it was time to let it go.
We moved and the next Christmas Lar went out and bought a new artificial tree. It had become live tree. In fact, live trees have always made me just a little sad. Beautiful trees, growing and vibrant, giving their lives for just a short time in a house and then tossed on a pile.
Suddenly, the other day I was filled with the longing of my own live tree! No more fears of pneumonia. No sadness - well, maybe just a little - at taking a life. I just needed to have a live tree.
And then, the decorating.
I hear people talk about stunning trees. Decorator trees. Designer trees. I even enjoy seeing them. But those are not the trees for me.
Since we've been married, almost 50 years, we've accumulated memories in the form of items for our tree.
This little guy was our first. We have had him in our tree every year for all those years.
And then there are the snowflakes my mother made for us not too many years before she died.The handmade ornament from the 30's - made of milk bottle tops. The kind that would lift off when the milk froze on the front step and the cream rose up out of the bottle.
The egg carton angels that Larry and Mike made in Indian Guides.
The ceramic puppy Patrick made.
The lovely little engraved ornaments - most bought by beloved Aunt Mary and Uncle Fran for all of us over the years.
Aunt Rita's handmade angel.
Antique musical instrument ornaments - given me by a dear friend. We thought of Julia this year, putting this one up.
Little plastic canvas chapel made for me by my darling niece Teresa- many years ago.
From our family trip to Disney World the year young Larry graduated high school.
And then the many variations of crafts at which I tried my hand over the years, wanting to give my sons very special memories of each year.
My brother had got some free wooly fabric from which I made many little black faced lambs.
Kits of hundreds of tiny straight pins, holding hundreds of beads!
Right around the time of Garbage Pail Dolls - stocking head ornaments...I enjoyed making these.
Craft of the Month Club, c. 1970.
And then around 1980, the year I filled the house with the glorious aroma of home made bread! But it wasn't for eating. It was a special dough that I made into hand formed ornaments and painted.
Garlic press lamb.
Winking Santa
Mouse on a cane.
Raggedy Ann.
Nope, it's not designer. But it sure does tell our story.
Thank you tree.
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