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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It Just Isn't Quite the Same

Halloween is upon us.  I used to adore Halloween.  I used to put so much time and effort into decorating and making it fun for my own kids and for the kids who came to our house to trick or treat.
Lots of my enthusiasm for Halloween came from the way we spent the day back home.
Our town was small.  Everyone knew everyone.  In fact, lots of us were related to each other….there were no strangers – thus there was little danger in trick or treating.
We would ring the bell, or knock on the door and someone we knew would answer.  “Come in, come in!” 
And then the questions would begin.
“Do we know you?”
Nodding, we would silently reply.
“Do you live in town?”
And on and on it would go until you were either guessed correctly, or they gave up.  Sometimes the “give-up” was on purpose to reward a really good costume.
And then the real fun began.
Homemade, warm cider – homemade donuts, cookies.  All enjoyed sitting around feeling a warm and homemade sense of belonging.
Even the town gas station gave out donuts and cider.
We got some candy, some handmade and wrapped popcorn balls.
But it wasn’t so much the loot in our bags that counted.  We probably weren’t aware of it, but the real treat of Halloween was the sense of family – of fitting in  - of being a valued member of the town.
My kids didn’t have nearly as much of this sense in our suburban neighborhood -  but it came close….at least when they visited the houses on our block.
I didn’t have the money to spend on store-bought decorations over the years – but that didn’t stop me from making it the “trickiest” house around.  Many years I got compliments from other parents on the fun they had bringing their kids to our house.
I worked out a way to tape and play scary songs and sounds – some I made up myself – and little ones were noticeably reticent in their climb up our brick steps – scary in their own right!
One year I came up with a recipe for homemade makeup as developed by the makeup artist for Freddy Kruger.  Our youngest son wore it the first year.  He and his Dad wore it the next year…when I finally figured out I should prep the skin first so as to eliminate the removal of eyebrows and facial hair!  There were neighbors who took quite some time getting over the fear my husband caused when he went door to door with a gaping wound in his face!
But once the kids are gone, and the house is visited by kids car pooled in from who knows where, a lot of the fun disappears. 
It isn’t the same.  It isn’t anywhere near as much fun.
So you are subjected to Halloween music here on my blog…I came up with TP’s Halloween persona…..I’ll buy some candy…..
But it isn’t the same.
More’s the pity……

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