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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Half a Century!

I guess I've probably said before, I was in nursing school in 1961-62 and quite intent upon graduating and becoming a missionary nurse.  I was a Methodist - at a Methodist Hospital school.  I was pretty sure that my future was laid out just right.
And then my "big sister" - an upper class man, came to me with her plight.  She had made arrangements for a double date to see the Ice Follies and the other couple were no longer a couple.  Would I fill in?
My simple answer.
Not interested in dating.  Gotta keep my eye on the goal.
Bottom line....
I finally agreed.
The only way the day worked was for most of the girls on my floor to combine their various wardrobes to come up with two outfits suitable....one for the ice skating start of the day...the other for the evening Ice Follies show.
And the Nursing Supervisor, upon finding out I was asked to the Follies, gave me extended leave time.  She was excited for me to have this experience.
So off we went.
He mumbled!  And to make matters worse, he talked "Philly".  I'm not sure how to explain, but I understood only about 1/2 of what he was saying the entire day.  He seemed quite a nice chap, so I would nod and smile and hope for the best.
The day - exactly 50 years ago today - was lovely.  I think we all had a great time.  When they dropped me off that evening, he promised to call.
He didn't - not for more than a week.  
I guess you know the rest.
Happy Anniversary, Lar - the date seems to still be going on. 

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