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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Reflections and New Beginning

 The day after our "Day-After-Christmas-Breakfast" found us baby-sitting for Ian and Madelyn.  We built things, we knocked things over, we swapped bottle caps, we had snacks and the little ones played their games...

 we cuddled
at least one of us fell asleep in a chair
and then it all unraveled!  But it was heart warming while it lasted.  The kids had had their fill of holiday excitement, they were ready for Mom and Dad and back to normal.  Quite honestly, so were we!  Much as we relish all the festivities, they do tire, don't they?
Next day we drove upstate to meet up with my "baby brother" and his son.  We had a fabulous visit, had a meal together
 and drove home under the light of a full moon.

 And now, for the New Beginnings:
Somewhere I read about an idea to celebrate the little things that might get forgotten, or ignored in your life.  The suggestion was a memory jar, a Mason jar, perhaps, into which one places a slip of paper each evening onto which has been written one joyful moment, one little highlight of the day.  At the end of that year, the little slips get read, and thought of.  What a great idea!  Too often the bad stuff is what we remember, and in remembering, that's what we "celebrate"!  

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