1. Met with concrete guy tonight after work to get our first estimate. Really liked the guy, really liked his attitude, his take on things, his listening ability (that is just too hard to find in people!), I'm hoping his price is best because I feel I will be very comfortable working with him. We may have to break up the job into two parts for financial reasons...but I'll be so glad to get the driveway and front steps done! I can wait for the rest.
2. The bedroom may never be done. We have moved back in there among the mess simply because we couldn't sleep in the guest room any more!
We bought the blinds and were told how to hang them - completely wrong! So Lar had to go buy wood which I painted last night and which I hope we can put up tomorrow night so we can hang the blinds. I hate crawling on the floor! Well, I don't really crawl on the floor, but anyone who knows me knows I don't do well with no window coverings - especially at night!
We bought the drapes and poles and rings but the lady who assured me we had everything neglected to tell me I needed hooks so that required another shopping trip. But really can't hang them until we hang the blinds.
We need to something about the floor, but so far no one has called us back.
And the mattress still has not arrived!
Otherwise....looking good. (insert smiling winking face here.)
3. Over night my blog counter went from about 900 to 11, 900 that's eleven thousand people reading my blog overnight! I am thrilled. Or aggravated with the counter. Nah, I'll just be thrilled. That's a better feeling.
4. Had the library put me on the list for a couple of books, had one book ordered through library sharing system....now have 3 books all due in about 2 weeks....so I might need some of those 11,000 people who are reading my blog come help me read my books.
And the books are a surprising off shoot from another book. The other book mentioned, pretty much in passing, Oscar Wilde. I got curious. One book I have is a biography. Another is an autobiography by his son. But can I get them read in two weeks.....not if I don't close this.......................
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