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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


We participated - or should I say - "profited" from someone else's miracle yesterday.

I think it was so obvious it was hard not to recognize that it was directed. And the way the day went from there, even realist husband had to admit we were blessed throughout the day by very special people popping up here and there.

It began at J. C. Penneys. Maybe the initials had something to do with it. I just don't know.

We went there for window treatments. Although I found the draperies immediately, we spent quite a bit of time speaking with a really helpful salesperson. Timing is everything.

We checked out lamps and then, of course, Larry had to check out shirts. Larry is an official member of the "shirt club" - I think he is the President! He had a gift card that is several years old from Teresa and Brad and he just knew there was at least one shirt there with his name on it.

After looking for quite some time, he hadn't found anything in his size he liked...but I was hearing a young man barely containing his excitement at finding a sale display.

Long and short of it....the young man (whose name turned out to be Larry too) had prayed that he would be able to afford a new shirt or two for the new job he is starting next week. Not only did he find several for himself, which should have been over $35 each, but he extended himself to find some in Lar's size as well! All for $6.96 each! We could feel the young man's spiritual nature, he was thrilled to have something to testify at church on Sunday - God's love even extending to providing new shirts to make a good impression on a new job. We were so taken by him....kind of person you want to wrap up and take home!

And Lar did indeed wrap up and take home 4 shirts. We'll think of the younger Larry when Lar wears them. And of Brad and Teresa for their generous birthday gift! It took a while, but it made our day to spend it!
Just let God love you....and keep your eyes open to the people who help Him/Her do it! It is a joy.

Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles
seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. (Matthew

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