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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Guess it's time for a "catchup" on my summer!  To start, I decided to dust off my sewing machine and sew a bit.  First up, a little dress for Madelyn.  She seemed to like it pretty well....had to go up and admire herself in the mirror!
Next up, tried a little pants outfit...don't know if it fit her, but hope it will at some point! 

Still trying to use up the plentiful zucchinis our garden has been producing, I decided to try some pickles.  I've given away almost all my jars and my kettles, so these are refrigerator sweet pickles.  And the tomato weighed in at 1 lb 1 7/8 oz.  Good work Lar!
My sister Carol came down this week for a few days.  I was really excited to have her - don't get enough one-on-one time with my siblings ever.  Her first day here, we had a nice dinner with oldest and youngest sons' families so they could see their aunt. 
The pickles were a hit!  Each family, including Carol, got to take a jar with them.
Another day we had the opportunity to go visit cousins Betty and Dottie - and, happily, their brother was able to join us.  We had a really pleasant time and I think we finally wore Carol out!
Last, but not least, I got to show Carol and take a picture for you of one of my favorite things in our neighborhood.  Apparently, a neighbor had a tree either die or he topped it in his yard.  Instead of wasting it, this is what he had done.  I haven't had a chance to talk to them about it, don't know who did the carving.  It's got electricity...I just love it!

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