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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

4 October 2013

Friday, 4 October 2013


We had a great breakfast, during which confirmation for our hotel in Athens was hand delivered to our table. 

Josie has been so very attentive – bringing us extra coffee (that is a true luxury in Europe, we have found!), telling us how and where to park in the village, how to use the lift while there and many more little details that were a terrific help. 

We set out again for the village.  I took careful notes and diagrams on the way so as not to get lost returning. 

We experienced one of our “it’s a small world, after all” happenings during our visit that day.  Somehow we struck up a conversation with a gentleman sitting and people watching, his name was Ray.  Ray was from Alabama.  So, I naturally asked if by any chance he’d heard of SIFAT.  SIFAT, Servants in Faith and Technology see here is where my dear friends for about 60 years, Elvis and Betty North have spent many years doing God’s work.  And of course, Ray knew SIFAT well and it turned out his daughter – who we met – had taught there some years ago.  We had a great chat and Ray intended to follow up with his friends back in Alabama on the unlikely meeting that happened in Italy!

Larry and I enjoyed luncheon on the court, toured the Duomo and walked what seemed forever, still snapping pictures in every direction!


Toward the end of the day, we made the decision to have dinner back at the B & B, so we called to confirm and then stopped at a COOP for incidentals – toothpaste, mouthwash, bottled water and bananas.  While in line, we met and had quite a conversation with a couple from Australia.  The parking in the store’s lot was a bit scary!  First it was the extremely different way in and out.  Then it was the “First hour free.  After that a toll.”  We survived, got back to the villa and enjoyed a good, tho’ rich meal.  We met Jennifer and Emanuel from Stuttgart GY during dinner.  Jennifer had once worked as a Nanny in Philadelphia.  Nice young couple.

I took a short walk down to the vineyards to take a few snaps of the luscious grapes.


 And took this shot from our window.

That night we had wild thunder, lightening and torrents of rain throughout the night.  I didn’t get much sleep.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

3 October 2013 Tuscany

We ate breakfast on the patio, buffet style, lots of fresh local fruit including home grown grapes.

It was my intention to get some laundry done, as quickly as possible.  Since they had advertised a washer and dryer, I decided to get to know them well.

Please see the picture below for the Italian Clothes dryer!

Delightful, healthy breakfast fare.

As I walked about the villa taking pictures, I met up with Christina, the Manageress, we chatted for a few moments and she gave me a big, sincere hug.  She said "many people come but some, like you, it feels I have known forever."  I was very touched.  She and Josie, another of the staff have made us feel so very welcomed and have been perfect hosts.
That afternoon, Josie prepared us a simple lunch of fresh mozzarella, wonderful tomatoes, basil and oil accompanied by crusty bread.  She offered wine, but we refused and opted for bottles of water.  (Still).  At the end of our repast, she proffered coffee which was good.
She lingered to chat and once again congratulated us on our 50th wedding anniversary.  She said, " I have made 25.  That is not normal.  I am happy to not be normal."  She then encouraged us to go down to the vineyards and take pictures as the picking proceeded.

A luncheon companion.

Fig tree

Italian Clothes Dryer

Later on we were left alone except for the busy pickers.  We indulged ourselves in laying-about at the pool, reading, resting and enjoying the sun.
As the kitchen was to be closed for dinner, we decided to drive up to San Gimignano for a meal.  I was hoping, too, to do a bit of shopping.  If you  haven't heard of this magical place, do yourself a favor and check it out at san gimignano.  It could easily be seen from our b&b and we were anxious to see it up close and personal. 
We drove in and parked in a tiny, almost child sized lot with teeny parking slots and climbed the stairs into this ancient village - still a living town.  I looked like a whirling dervish, spinning and snapping photos!
Dirt road away from the B&B

Wonderful vistas

First up close look at the wonderful S. Gimignano

We found one of the restaurants recommended to us, but its menu did not appeal.  I felt I'd had too much meat, too many rich meals.  A bit further on, we found Lo Spuntino Pizzaria.  See it here:  pizza.  Lar ordered a grande white pizza with fresh tomatoes, olive oil, zucchini and olives.  He had a beer and I ordered wine.  Our hostess was so friendly and sweet.  And not just because she filled my 8 oz glass with the lovely red stuff!  I asked about use of the rest room and she gestured that, for me, yes and then she took me to the private facility in the back of the store room.  Apparently the wcs are located out somewhere in the court yards for the public. 
The meal was absolutely delicious!  Finally, the Italian food we'd come hoping to taste.  And the laid back atmosphere, enjoying food, enjoying wine, enjoying the company.  Just lovely.

On the way back, we took two wrong turnings and while the stress was rising, the sun was quickly setting.  We did, of course, make it back safely to find the villa still completely empty and slightly eerie.
I wrote some post cards, neatened up our things, put away our clean clothing and went to sleep.