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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Cruise Day 2, Tour day 28, 26 August 2017

This was the day the cruise was for.  Going to Normandy.  Larry has wanted to get me here in honor of my dad's landing for many years.  It was such a meaningful day.

 Le Havre - France

 We were booked with an excursion for the full day.

 Bomb crater


 Wanted a "selfie" from the location, but the sun sure makes it tough.

 Our guide

 Some of the cliffsides the landing troops were faced with.

 Homes that once housed Nazi officials

 I brought home a small bottle of sand to share with some folks we knew would appreciate

 One of the most profoundly moving places I have ever visited.  No one raises a voice, everyone seems to feel the same overwhelming sadness and need for respect.


 A bit of a story on this one.  I was standing behind this cross and had no idea of the name engraved on the front.  Suddenly it was as if the cross was demanding, "take my picture."  I had to call out to Larry to wait for me, this...of all the crosses, was asking to be noticed particularly.  I walked to the front and was surprised - shocked, even, to see William E. Davis, Jr.  Pennsylvania.  I keep meaning to try to find out something about him.  But here he lies, and I know he wanted to be singled out.  God rest his soul.
Added Note:  Found this:  http://www.honorstates.org/index.php?id=106996 and

 Tears flow easily (man and woman) in this field of remembrance.

 There was a common theme to the day...thankfulness for the hand America (as well as others) leant in the liberation.

 Back aboard ship, to relax and mull over the emotions of the day.  It was a truly wonderful excursion, and we would highly, highly recommend it.