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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful in New Jersey

Family Time - thankful time


Turkey and All the Trimmings

Passing - to the left?  to the right?

Musical medly

Let the Laughter begin!

Playing out the day.
Hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as we did at our house!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Raked, Bagged and Sitting in the Rain

This picture was supposed to be at the end of the previous post, but somehow Blogger had a mind of it's own.  This is how I spent the last week - and why I found no need to drag myself to the gym!  Glad they're done...wish the trash man would come soon.  Now - on to the turkey!

Ian is 4

Last weekend we baby sat.
For all you Grandparents out there - you know that means I am attempting to get rid of what I caught in time for Thanksgiving.
It's funny.  It's one of those things you don't know about until you get there, until you join the "grandparent club".  Like a well kept secret.  Apparently it's called something like the "babysitting bug" and I've got it.  Sitting at a play this past weekend at the Walnut Theater, a man in front of us expounded at length on the way it works - he and his wife had just completed several courses of antibiotics after getting the same thing.  It was pretty funny - like a warm up to the play - except that they had been quite ill.
We had a delightful time babysitting with Ian - who was so good, and so entertaining with his new manner of speaking Popeye-style out of the side of his mouth.  He is one of the funniest little humans I've ever met - and with his beautiful baby sister Mads.
Once in bed, Mads coughed until she was gagging, and an internal voice said "uh-oh" to me...but I was much more concerned about her - and we sat in a rocker humming and rocking until she quieted.
I love holding babies in my arms - it's like my arms settle down to what they were actually made for. 
Next day was Ian's 4th birthday.  I know everyone says it, but I truly don't know where that time went!  

When I sneaked up on Mads to take her picture, she turned to me and said "CHEESE"!  (think she's had her picture taken much?)

Ian and his birthday car track set.  It's so much fun, I almost wish I had one!

All the cousins - including 8 foot tall Larry, decided to hang out UNDER the track set.

Happy Birthday Ian
 Because all the children have so much, and I have no ideas anymore, Ian got some money in his specially ordered and personalized card. americangreetings.com  On the way, I was suddenly struck with the fact that maybe money would be a disappointment to him. 

Ian - doing the "cash dance" - guess you could say he knows what it is and what you can do with it!  We'll try to schedule a shopping trip to the toy store soon - his mom's thoughtful suggestion.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Runnin' (and Fallin' ) to Catch Up!

 To start off this past busy week, I found a recipe for, and made Immunity Soup.  Go to www.care2.com/greenliving/immune-power-soup.html  for the recipe.  It was perfect timing - because it is quite good, and good for you, I felt it kept us going and I even had it for a couple of meals.  It's only about 90 calories a serving.
 Next up, Mayo Clinic Staff's Turkey Potpie with Baby Veg.  With a homemade corn bread topping - it is delicious!  I'll be repeating this recipe and the soup for a long time to come.  HOWEVER!  I Will never again open the bag of little pearl onions anywhere near the prep area.  Brother in law Elmer found a tiny staple in his serving - obviously from the onions - but I've never figured out how!
 We received a call one day this week to see if we were up for a visit from grandchildren Julia and Larry.  Do I need to say what our answer was?  Julia and I made two loaves of Pumpkin Gingerbread.  We had a blast - and the results were yummy!  We added walnut pieces to one.  Next time, they'll both get walnuts unless Uncle Mike is going to partake.
 Sister Carol and her hubby Elmer visited this week.  We planned on a history trip to Philadelphia, but first...Carol had to check in on facebook and see what she's been missing. 
 Carol, Elmer and Lar (DH) at Independence Hall.  I cannot describe how perfect a day it turned out to be.  A few degrees less would have been cold, a few degrees more - we'd have been hot. 
 Carol's first visit to Philadelphia - to see the birthplace of our nation.  You can see how much she enjoyed it.
 After three times walking by the horse and buggy tours, Carol had to have a picture - one of the guides was more than obliging to take our picture.
 Two Phanatics - one dressed in the Liberty Bell.
 Carol and the Phillie Phanatic.
 Carol was really excited to see the bell.  Says she thought it would be larger.
 Carol's favorite horse.
It is possible that the First Post Office (where Ben was Post Master) may be closing in the near future.  We had a terrific visit with the lady working there this day and we bought envelopes with the famous franking.  Carol had her's sent to her - Lar just brought his home.
After our guests returned home, I decided it was high time I get back on the weight loss program, so next day I had a healthy breakfast and then got geared up for a long walk on a beautiful morning.  Stepped outside and breathed in the fresh, crisp air and after a few steps realized I felt so good I could jog a bit.  A couple of more steps (jogging) and smiling the whole way (about 10 feet) I found myself face down on the concrete!  Guess my knee gave out.  I had landed on my glasses, they were marred and bent at peculiar angles.  I was bleeding and shaken and actually had to call Lar on my cell to help me get up.  (I've fallen and I can't get up!)
Got back into the house, cleaned up, patched with gauzes and tapes and then we took my glasses back to Costco to see what they could do with them.  After being extremely kind and compassionate about my fall, they had the glasses polished and back in shape - in about 10 minutes!  That was my biggest fear that I'd have to order new ones - they ain't cheap!  So while I have a couple of scraped and battered hands and knees, I got away ok.  Is someone trying to keep me from my goal of getting my weight down?  Or is it just a trial to see if I am committed?  Wish they (who ever they are) would turn their attentions elsewhere!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Visits and Honors and Gravesites, Oh My!

Friday we drove up to Warren County for a multi-purpose purpose!  I'd heard that my high school was going to dedicate the new scoreboard/stadium to my very beloved teacher and locally famous coach, Domenick Collangelo. 

We went directly to my sister's house and then we went to the school.  Between us, Carol, her husband and I represented the classes of 1957, 1961 and 1964.  Each of us had been taught by Mr. C and each of us have particular, fond memories of that time.  He had always referred to me as "Annie" and when my sisters came along after me, they were called "Little Annie."  It had been 50 years since last I stood in BHS - between the fact that they have extensively added and appended, and the years gone by - I didn't recognize much except for the the front of the building.

A well attended reception was held in the library of the school (once the gym) and although Mr. C had had a stroke, he has come along very well and seemed to be enjoying the reminiscing and honors shown to him.

There were some wonderful photos, etc., displayed in the library - this one is featured in my 1961 year book, and has always been a favorite of mine...it's pretty much how we knew him:

Another is of his school days - he was from up in Pennsylvania where I had lived at one time - I never knew that.

The football game followed, and at half time they held the dedication.  Mr. C and his wife were escorted on to the field by golf cart...we missed all that since we old folks decided it was too cold to sit out the game.


Instead of going to the game, (which - I am so happy to report - BHS WON!)we drove to niece Kelly's house and visited a while with her family - the kids were so fun - getting ready for a belated Trick or Treating - due to the recent snow storm.  Here is darling Emma in her Angry Bird costume made by her crafty mom.

After some hot green tea and a lovely (albeit unannounced and probably unfair!  :)   ) visit, we went back into town for a pizza party reception to end the day's festivities for the Coach.  Guess we got to my sister's house about 10:30 PM and we were all ready for a good night's sleep.
Next morning we headed out for breakfast and then on to Hope NJ where we did some "grave-digging."  First, in the Moravian Cemetery to show Carol and Elmer where our Raushenberger ancestors are buried.  And then up the road to the Union Cemetery where many, many Howells have been laid to rest.
Ann and Carol at grave of Frederick Rauschenberger
This grave is very nearly destroyed by the elements - it makes we wish that someone would come up with a way to save these fragile records before it is too late - depending on the stone in which they have been created, many have completely lost their lettering and are lost in time.  This one is of Levina Howell daughter of Jon ???  and Sarah Howell, died 4th of ???? 1818 in the 19th year of her life.

Union Cemetery - White Twp NJ

I took about 50 pictures to include in the family tree I've been working on - and the day was beautiful for such a past time - not a lot of wind, and plenty of warm (ish) sun. 
When we'd pretty much found all the identifiable Howell graves, we parted ways - Carol and Elmer to go prepare for a local church supper, and for us - to travel home.
Nature required me stopping just a bit up the road at the antique shop where they had the cleanest spot o pot I've ever frequented - thankfully!  This is such a pretty location in Hope - where my Moravian ancestors lived - with a lot of history and an even larger amount of beauty.

Home again, once more, grateful for time spent with loved ones and for safe return to take yet another trip - another day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

(Just discovered I'd never posted this entry because I was waiting for a picture! Sorry it's late.)
Time just keeps on rollin' - doesn't it? Here it is, time for summer to be showing us her back...autumn creeping in on colorful, cooling feet - tho' yesterday was no example - very warm - beautiful day.
And yesterday summed up something I love about my life - circles - family circles - continuity -
a good many years ago, our eldest son Larry was confirmed with his father as his sponsor.
Some years later, that same (elder) son Larry, sponsored our youngest son, Patrick.

Yesterday, Patrick sponsored his brother Larry's son, Larry 4th.

With the relationship that has developed between Larry 4 and the son of Patrick, Ian, I would not be surprised, if, in about 10 years, Larry 4 isn't the sponsor of Ian.
Not that I particularly care if that happens, it's just that I can see the circles of love and support wafting through the family and it warms my heart.  Congratulations to Larry 4. We are so proud of him and of his parents. We remember what it is like to get them through CCD and all that goes with being confirmed into thefaith.We still have the scars!  And I am sure my kids would say the same.   It's just a matter of teaching children what it is to persevere, to struggle through, to do what might feel "a waste of time" because in so doing, we are teaching a life's skill. A lot of life feels like that. We encounter things we just simply do not want to do almost every day. But getting through it, out the other side, is literally all there is. Otherwise, you learn to give up and quit on life. And that would cheat you, and those you love, of days like yesterday.

Odds and Ends

To start, let me just say, if you see a very peculiar woman running around totally inappropriate places taking pictures of a roll of toilet paper - it'll be me.  Yesterday Lar took me around looking for just the right setting for my title picture for fall....you saw the one I picked, but had to share this one as well.  I was anticipating someone in Haddonfield calling the "inappropriate cops" - but I got away with it.
We recently had to put the garden spot to sleep.  Lar was really saddened by the experience - but I am pretty sure his poor allergies were doing the happy dance.

Back at home, a few of his summer flowers tried to cheer him up.
It worked!
Last Friday we took a trip to see some folks back home.
You see, about 5 years ago, during a stay in Cape May NJ, we met some folks walking on the beach.  Within about 1/2 hour, we had discovered we had so very much in common.  To say we hit if off would be a major understatement.  And to top it off, they now live in the town where I went to high school.
For the ensuing 5 years, Bev and I have kept the friendship alive via e-mail and Christmas cards.  We tried several times to get together, but somehow it just didn't happen.  Finally last week Lar said we were going up and that was that. 
On the way I got the same old feeling of seeing my "mama mountains" and they were in their glory.  I didn't take many pictures on the way since we had planned to go "leaf peeping" together.

We knocked on the door, it opened, and there were hugs all around!  And the chatting began.  We did not stop for about something like 6 hours.  The only peeping I did at leaves was from the incredible sitting area Bev and Clark enjoy on a daily basis.
The next day Bev sent me a similar view -  what a difference a day makes!  I understand that they still have no power and it seems they may not get any until this Friday!
So that's what we've been up to in the past week or so.