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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Down on the Farm(stead)

Signed up recently to volunteer time in the "quilt room" at the Barclay Farmstead.  See by clicking HERE
I'll be quilting on an old quilt donated to the historic home with two goals intended - getting that quilt quilted, and providing education to the elementary school children touring the farmstead.
During the tour to "my" room, kids get to see me in action, but they also get to put their hand at quilting - the Barclay Friends always have a quilt on a frame with threaded needles available for the kids to use.  Once done, the kids' quilts get bound and hung, on a rotating basis throughout the farm house.  
I've always found boys (and their grown-up versions!) very appreciative of sewing and quilting...and the kids touring at the Farmstead are no different!  During one tour, recently, a young man attending with his class of special needs kids had to be convinced to move on to the rest of the tour!  He was kneeling and intent on his stitches.  I would have liked to hug him!
The elderly quilt on which I've been working.

One of the completed Kids' Quilts

View from where I sit, quilting.

Another look at the antique quilt being quilted.
 As a member of Love Apple Quilters, I'm happy to be providing an example to the kids of the art of quilting.  And I love even more, seeing the interest kids show in it.  I've had several of them turn to me, as they leave, and thank me for being there!
But, of course, there's always a twist....as one group was being toured through another room, several of the boys saw me in the quilt room and showed excitement at getting into what they called (in whispers to each other) "the sewing room."  When they departed the other room, the tour guide said, "now we'll go downstairs and out side."  The boys asked, "aren't we going in there?"  And her reply?
"Oh, no, that's just the quilt room."
And off they went.
Ummm, huh? 

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