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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Doughy Rising


23 February 2021

I'd become very opposed to discarding....read "throwing away" all the extra starter I was getting at every feed.
There had to be something better!
Once again, Sir Google came to the rescue!
There are literally dozens of ways to use what I'd been tossing.  And I was off to the races!

First try:  Scones.  I added glazed ginger and pineapple and a few raisins.
They were really, really good!
Only trouble is, as I've discovered, my oven has no idea how to be hot!
It takes very often up to 20 or more extra minutes for anything I'm baking. An oven thermometer has shown why.  At 450, it never got to 375!

However, I got them done and fortuitously I had had the forethought to order clotted cream and strawberry preserves.

That evening, I rigged up a warm nest for Doughy.  Hubby had an extra seed starter warming mat and he thought I might be able to utilize it.  I set the starter jar on the mat and wrapped it up and over a bit.  It seemed to only go up to about 75 degrees Fahrenheit so I felt he'd be comfortable over night.

24 February

Finally getting some actual rise!  As you can see, I was joyful over a small blessing, he'd risen about 1 1/2 inches over the rubber band marker.

After his morning feed, I utilized the discard to make Rosemary and Cracked Black Pepper crackers.  
As usual the oven gave me fits!  I kept raising the temp - which never got to the required temp - and letting them bake.  Finally got a fairly decent bake and I really like them!
Thinking of trying Cinnamon/Sugar ones since hubby not a fan of these.

 25 February
Today I got a big surprise!

Doughy had really grown up!  He had made it to the top of the jar!  That means he'll be strong enough  to raise bread - maybe tomorrow.

Made some really fantastic pancakes for breakfast with yesterday's discard.

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