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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

2 August 2017, Tea and Angels

  Although our room was spacious, it was quite warm and there was no air conditioning.  Larry opened the window in order to get some fresh air, but the sounds of the traffic and my anxiety of having an open window just 1/2 story up from the ground kept me awake most of the night.  I finally fell deeply asleep at 5 and had to be up at 6!
  We were leaving the Midlands and travelling north to York (England's most complete medieval city).  We would wander through a maze of quaint streets, including the narrow Shambles. Since our destination for the night was to be Newcastle, I kept thinking of "taking coals to Newcastle."  Don't ask...I have no idea how my mind works!  Newcastle has greatly changed in recent years to a modern city.

The wonder of driving and seeing this great angel looming into view!

About the Tower

See the Shambles

Larry and I stopped at Bettys for some tea.  Recommend!

  We had a good dinner after drinks with Jude and Glenn.  We now know that I was severely dehydrated at this point in the tour...explaining many of the problems I was having.  A bus tour, with limited use of facilities - thus limited allowance for drinking water, etc., is not ideal!  I suggest to my reader, take Gater Ade or some such drink on the bus at every opportunity.  I did have tablets to dissolve in water to drink, but we didn't think of it.


  1. Fantastic story telling and selection of pictures.

  2. Fantastic story telling and selection of pictures also.
