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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Contentment and Friendship

Apparently Abraham Lincoln said
'My Best Friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read.'

Today I went to Barnes and Noble to find a book I wanted and which the library did not have.
The bookstore is a place in which I find utter contentment, especially when I have gift certificates from friends - allowing me to buy whatever strikes my fancy.
I've always been a reader.  I can't remember a time when I didn't have my nose in a book.
When I was a kid we didn't have a library near by.  In fact, it was a long time before I ever set foot in a library - didn't know there was such a thing.  I remember, as an 8th grader, walking in to the library of the high school I was to attend.  I still feel the thrill I felt that day - all those books!  And all at my disposal.  And then the realization that I might not live long enough to read them all.  I didn't go to that highschool right away - but a year later, I began my quest to read as many as I could fit into the next three years.
My Great-Aunt Anna had a couple of book cases in her home.  They were full of an assortment of books - most published before the turn of that century.  I read every one of them.  I still recall one called "Freckles" about a young man and his adventures.
Our church had a bookcase in the basement where the Sunday School classes took place.  I read every one of those books too.  One of my favorites had to do with early days football.  It didn't matter the topic of a book.  What mattered to me was that there was magic between the covers.  There were worlds to discover.  There were other people having all kinds of thoughts and dreams that I could come to know.
Thank you to all those authors out there who have written me to other places, other times, other thoughts.  And thank you to the friends who have given me the gift of books.

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