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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Monday, December 17, 2012


the world is standing up and noticing the wretched event wherein our babies have been taken...
will we now notice that our obsession with things, our ability to step away from each other has removed our hearts?
It is imperative that we as a nation and as a functioning world regain our compassion and our love.  Our arms are for embracing and supporting, our voices are for encouragement and speaking up, our hearts for loving and for kindness.
It is, of course, important to show our solidarity to the families in pain in Connecticut.
But it is even more vital that we stop right here and get some perspective on what we are doing for those whose desperation leads them to such horrendous acts...are we a global family which surrounds damaged and desperate family members with whatever help they need?  Or will we continue to respond to the siren's call of self-involvement and social-media one liners that protect us from painful involvement?
The decisions lie with each of us - and couldn't be more important, more life changing.
Pointing the finger at gun control, mental health systems - just mumbo-jumbo to get the spot light off a spoiled society that doesn't want to get involved.
Of course the angels are crying....they are crying for me and for you.
We vote for politicians who allow our governing body to sit and do nothing.
We haven't addressed so many human condition problems in so many years that we've allowed ourselves to be convinced they don't exist.
The time has come, and passed, for getting involved, for recognizing our brokenness.

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