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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chipmunk Door

We have so many chipmunks around the house, and every time we have the garage door open, they dash to get in. So we decided to make it easier for them to come and go. You may see by the picture, we have had a builder cut a small doorway in the bottom of one wall in the garage. We'll have a rubber flap fitted and they will be able to get in and out as they please. Clever?
Well, no, actually, this is the first step in having a back door put in the garage for US! I have complained since moving here about the difficulty of cooking on the bar-b-que.....it entails leaving the kitchen, running down the steps to the family room, crossing the family room, crossing the laundry room, out the door and up the outside steps! By the time I get where I am going, I've forgotten why I went there! So our plan is to put a door in the garage right out onto what we hope will be a patio before summer's end.
This little cut-away has been long awaited.
We have had 3 doors here for the project, each one wrong in some aspect, and each one having to be returned. Finally, we are sticking with the last one we bought, the builder is planning to cut it to fit (!) and we'll be good to go. I counted off the steps....it now takes at least 40 steps to get to the grill. It will take about 15 with this door, and instead of 13 stairs there will be a total of 4!
Cook-out, anyone?

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