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Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper ....

the nearer the end....

the quicker it goes.

(at least, that's my observation.)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Family. It’s funny word isn’t it? It holds such mystery, such complexity. It might mean the group into which one is born. It might mean the group into which one is adopted. And it might mean the group into which one marries.
It also might mean none of those….but the group in which one chooses to reside.
Family is one of my favorite concepts.
I observed my mother as her children married. I watched her double the number of her children without so much as a skipped beat. I’ve often said that if you were with her in a room with all ten of us you’d be hard pressed to determine which of the five were born to her and which had become her children through marriage.
When I married, I garnered another father. I loved and was loved by an additional grandfather and grandmother. I added aunts, cousins and uncles.
And then my own children began to bring others into our small family. And I gave my heart over to them. They were important to my child, therefore, by some mystical force, they became important to me. It was the force that doubled and then tripled my mother-love. Eventually I had not three but six children. And I would give my life for any one of them. And my blessings were doubled. And even better, their families came too. Frances is a sister. Sue and Terry are far more than “in-laws” to us. What a joy “family” brings!
It was this concept that led us to gather at my brother, Chick’s house to celebrate – to rejoice in “family”. Family as we remember it. Family before our rememberings. Family as it is now.
For over 100 years the Roushey family had held reunions. As a child I used to be overwhelmed by all the “family” I had. I didn’t know a large percentage of them…but I knew their blood ran in my veins, or that they were connected to me in some way. It expanded my world, it connected me and warmed me, and made me curious to know more about my family, my world.
My maternal Grandfather, Bradner J. Roushey was gleeful at these reunions. His giggle was easy, his eyes lit up, he was all smiles. Because of him, I caught the “bug” and relished the communion of these annual events.
Later on, we began to gather to celebrate the life and family of my maternal Grandmother, Gweney Thomas Roushey. We attempted to meet on a date close to her birthday in September. My mother and her siblings wanted to pass along the history of our family, the story of our past, the love of the present and the hope of the future.

So, after bidding a fond farewell to Linda and Bob, we set out for Nanticoke PA. The day was gorgeous, sun, sun and more sun.
It was to be the first time I’d seen my brother’s house and it is charming and it is set upon a wonderful, reunion-perfect lot. With plenty of room for volley ball – which I played (badly) with the kids, and a new horse shoe pit, along with a large lawn on which to sit and chat it is a perfect location! Adding in the amazing “catering” of Noy, girlfriend of Chick’s youngest son Brian, and the home made ice cream made by Brian, you’ve got the perfect reunion. Later in the day Chick and his friend arrived with the most delicious and the largest fruit tray I have ever seen. No one lacked for anything to eat and enjoy.
Noy was disappointed in the poor attendance – she had cooked so many delights. But I for one was heartened at the young people who did attend. The interest in family has not died out. In fact, one nephew, Will, came without his wife Tina, Carol’s daughter who had another commitment! What a confirmation of family.
Later, when gifts were picked, it was interesting to me to see who received which family pictures which were wrapped and unidentified. It seemed so directed….I received a picture Colleen had sent last year of hubby Larry and our son Larry. Sue (Bill’s wife) received a picture of Chick and Bill I had taken when they were very little boys, dressed up like tiny versions of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid – cap guns and all! Will got the double framed picture of Mom and Dad on their wedding day, along with their marriage license. His reaction told me no one would have appreciated it more. Carol chose a picture I’d provided of our Great Grandparents. The pictures led to a great deal of conversation.
Later, as has happened before, some took time to peruse the family tree chart I have been working on for years. A few new additions have been made since last year, in the Roushey branch…namely the Goetschi family back to 1554 in Switzerland.
I was especially touched by the time Chick took to show his friend the family tree, explaining who was who, and the fact that he was named for our Uncle Lew.
After a heart warming, leisurely time spent just hanging out, eating and talking, we decided it was time to think about taking our leave. We said that we would follow Bill and Sue and Carol and Elmer to Warrior Run to see what was left of the old school recently razed on the firehouse property.
That gave the six of us an opportunity to have a little more time to chat and to see Bill’s firehouse. And then we made the drive home.
Family. It had once more fed my soul, and reminded me of just how much I love these people, some of whom share my history and some of whom have just heard about it as they make their own.

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